Friday, April 24, 2009


"Menuntut ilmu itu satu kewajipan tapi mencapai kecemerlangan adalah satu keperluan"-dr Yusuf Said Qardawi

"Rahsia kejayaan adalah mengetahui apa yang orng lain tidak tahu"-Aristotle

"Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai hambanya yang membuat satu amalan dengan tekun"-hadis

"Aroma harum kejayaan tidak penuh bererti tanpa kegagalan"-Hishamuddin Rais

Allahuma najahna fil imtihan....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

why musleem speed everyway but late for everything

as you see............

erm... how crazy they are ,driving like nuts on the highway without thinking the consequences..all they care about just want to have fun and satisfication..since i'm here(egypt) being a 'free spectator' next to the road..i saw quite often they 'drift' their vehicles onside the road.

It's seem there was a race event among head to head each other.. passes big size lorry in narrow inch path.across the road risking pedestrian..horning loudly..cut out other cars movement in middle of the 200 to 3oo kph..'s more like cheating death.

Sometime i wonder why this people love to do such attitude everyway but not for everything...almost of them always flirting on work(egyptian behavior)...chatting ,drinking(shai/cafe) while in work hour.

The most hating is they serve their man first then other customer..ther's no 'first come first serve' long you see any egyptian around..don't ever think your dishes come right away on the table.. it likes an hour to eat..if you asking they will say 'maalish' mean sorry..from that moment i bet you'll never ever come to that restaurant again.

This pathetic arabs generally still stick to old fashion behavior and old fashion's quite hard for them to make a change..they won't adapting 'speed' behavior into their life style.

They more like to live under stick and dry palm tree roof top..sleeping together with cows and goats in the cage..eating callow vegetables and so on.. life is all about making choice..whether is black or white..but definitly and rationally white would be the it's up to them.

Correctly... there's no wrong to live in proper place ..eating healthy foods..wearing well outfits.. as long they accepting changes everthing possible..everything depend through their mind..if they willing to improve themselves..there will see positive sign to move forward for instead.. in fact.. it will profitable for them on the future.

Mabruk ya Qamarul...

Tahniah di ucapkan kepada akhi Qamarul yang telah melangsungkan perkahwinan dengan saudari Khairiah di dewan ARMA,Abassiyyah kaherah pada hari jumaat , 3 April 2009 yang lalu dan tidak lupa juga kepada akhi Sirajul Afkar bersama zaujah nik nurmadihah yang turut sama hadir dalam majlis walimah kedua-dua mempelai.Semoga kebahagian,ketenangan dan rahmat Allah s.w.t menyusuri kehidupan masing-masing kelak...